It's been quite a while since I last compose a proper blog post.
My life is totally different from how it used to be. All my days revolves around the little one. He's growing very fast these days till I'm sorta afraid to miss out a day watching him grow! He weights 7.5kg now, tad big for a 3mo according to the PD.
As he grows, he becomes more and more predictable and less fussy. And I felt like I've been a mother for a long time.
It's funny how time passes by so quickly. It feels like just yesterday I'm being all preggy and waiting for him to pop and suddenly he's already a 3mo infant! 3 months ago I was too afraid to handle this tiny human being, I have no idea how to change and bathe him, etc... And today, I felt like a pro.
And yet there are still so much to learn each day. It's funny that the color and the consistency of the baby's poo poo becomes my daily concern now.
I gotta admit, Cayden is quite an easy baby.
He's a happy boy, smiling and laughing all day. Except that he hates being lonely and wants to be carried most of the time. He loves playing and he's an absolute chatterbox. Cot mobile is the best invention ever cos at least it keeps him occupied, long enough for me to take my shower.
It did crossed my mind to go back to work after giving birth and leave him under the care of babysitter or MIL. But I changed my mind. Ever since I have him, ever since becoming a mum, I know I need to provide the best for him. I want to care for him myself and watch him grow. I want to be there for him anytime he needs me. I want to guide him through life and I want to spend my days with him.
And yes. I still have a job. A 24 hour job. With no annual leave, no MC, no overtime pay, no PH, no salary increment, no promotion.
Mummy's topic aside. CNY is approaching in less than 2 weeks! Being all tied up with the little one most of the time, the hubby and I steal one day off to KL last week. Cayden was left at home with my MIL. We went over to KLCC and Bangsar.. and I shopped and shopped like how I used to be!
Except that this time I no longer shop for myself and concentrate on my own stuff...
As compared to past years, this year I had the least CNY clothes. Too much to put under consideration. The top shouldn't have beads, shouldn't crumple easily, shouldn't be too low cut, this and that... cos I'll be carrying the little one. And also I have terrible flea bites scars on both my legs, so I cant's wear anything short this year. Oh, that flea attack was so horrible that it almost ruin my life. Seriously, one can never imagine how bad both my legs looked like now. Am considering laser treatment before I go into depression mode.
As for Cayden, he had got much much more CNY clothes than his mummy!
Pants, shorts, hats and pyjamas not in pic. Imagine!
3 loves:
Well, I guess thats normal after having babies, babies always come first!
One thing I have to say, Cayden really smiles alot!! :)
Well, my lovely mummy ... i understand your deeply feeling.. U can work at home dear ... doesn't mean that you need to go out to work ..
work at home you can take care of Cayden and you can earn some pocket money.. problem solve and why not continue with your online business .. it is pretty well dear .. ^^ something to cheers you up babe...:)
I also start to think for myself as the bf asking to quite my lecturer job and stay at home for a better life .. @.@
Take care & Be Happy always with Cayden.
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