Been MIA for too long. Can't help it.
I'm enjoying every moment being a SAHM witnessing my little boy grow. He's 5 months and 4 days now, how time flies! I actually couldn't remember much on my labor already. ;)
I've been active in updating his personal blog but I just can't find the time and proper mood to update my own blog. I don't even have time to sleep and shit, how to maintain 2 blogs? Am considering to combine both, which means Being Cryst will slowly become a parenting blog. Oh well. Still being Cryst and it's a fact.
To combine or no? Tough decision.
Here's a picture of me and my boy, taken last month ;)
9 loves:
Combine la! ^^
Cayden is truly a happy boy! No wonder you're enjoying every moment ;)
Combine! Since u will nvr have the time to update both, it's best to keep 2 in 1 and update all sort of stuff! :)
We don't mind Being Cryst become a parenting blog! :D
baby boy is big d!!! congrats cryst; you have surpassed the toughest days.. but more to come ..
Yes, agree to combine. 2 in 1 combo.
Keep it up!! Take care sweetie momma.
sangat cute >< and still hving the same old feeling....i wanna bite him..hehe.... combine your blog, im sure it'll be interesting :)
combine lar.. not so tired and make ur reader enjoy reading the mother and son blog ^^
combine!If not then nothing to read in ur own blog liao..*yawn* blekkk..(kelly)
Hi can you share the other blog address that you had for cayden? I'm a new mummy too :)
thanks for the suggestion all, i've decided to combine. true enough, i have no time to manage both blogs and since my days revolving around cayden and only cayden.. might as well combine :)
anonymous March 23, 2012 2:01 PM:
will put a link to it once i update my new layout :)
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